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Volunteer Advertising Manager required for Barrow Voice

BUSCA publishes Barrow Voice 4 times a year, and it is delivered to every household in the village.
An Advertising Manager is required to take over from the existing Manager.
If you would like to volunteer for this role, please contact Judith Rodgers:


Job description for Barrow Voice Advertising Manager

  1. Get advertisers, existing and new.
  2. Collect copy and pass it on by a deadline to GoGo Marketing (our graphic designers) and the BV Treasurer.
  3. Send out invoices (supplied by treasurer).
  4. Collect money in.

For a fuller description of what is involved, email Judith on

Category: General
Posted by: Keith
Posted Oct 11, 2019

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Last Updated. 20-August-2023 By busca_admin

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