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Barrow upon Soar Community Association

What Does BUSCA Do?

Barrow Upon  Soar Community Association is a Registered charity (a C.I.O.) that organizes and runs many community activities in Barrow. It consists of a number of subgroups, each with its own  role.

Pick up one of our new flyers from around the village, summarising what BUSCA is all about and giving you contact details for the various activities that make up BUSCA. You can also become a member by filling out the application form, available in the library.


Activities are:

Our main BUSCA Trustee's meetings are usually held four times a year. Do come along.


BUSCA in 2025 Details


Trustees Meetings

The next trustees meeting will be on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 7.30pm in Barrow Parish Council meeting room. Everybody is welcome but email info@busca.org.uk  or phone 07934 660426 to receive the papers.

Barrow Voice

This lively, full-colour, free village magazine is produced quarterly by an editorial team of about nine members all of whom are volunteers. In 2024 the print run was 3400 copies per edition. The content is wide ranging but concentrates on publicising BUSCA events, topics of concern in the village, such as the new housing developments, supporting local businesses and interviews with local people in relation to their business or individual achievements.

Events committee

In 2024 the team staged a Village Fete that was accompanied by a dog show, activities for kids and competitions for householders. Later we ran a Scarecrow Trail. Watch this space for the next big event.

Heritage Group

The Group regularly meets and works on projects with connections to the history of Barrow including the history of Hall Orchard primary school using an archive of old documents. Recently they have been recording events in the development of BUSCA using old copies of Barrow Voice. For more information about their work and projects, visit their website www.barrowuponsoarheritage.org.uk


Barrow Library continues to develop and serve the community. Our volunteers are the key to success and they run the library with skill and a warm welcome for everyone. We have now achieved our project to make the car park more accessible for people with mobility issues and for carers with small children. We depend on income from hiring the library space when the library service is closed. The number of small groups who meet for activities during opening hours is increasing and the library really has become a community hub of activity.

We were very thankful for the decision of the Parish Council to effectively form a financial partnership with us.

BATS (Barrow Arts and Theatre Society)

Formed in 2019 from the Panto Group, Barrow Youth Theatre and the Murder Mystery Group, this newly named entity of BUSCA had a very promising start to 2020 with a very successful and entertaining panto ‘Humpty Dumpty’. Covid closed nearly all activities down but by 22 we had re-established the regular pattern of a murder mystery in October followed by a musical later in the year. A wonderful performance of The Wedding Singer was enjoyed by a huge audience in the autumn of 2024. Sadly, we have had to move the musical performances to Mountsorrel Memorial Centre. 2025 will bring a performance of Shrek.

Twinning Association

Barrow Upon Soar is twinned with the French town of Marans in the Charente Maritime of Southwest France, very close to La Rochelle.

Although the Twinning Association was only formed in 2006, and became part of BUSCA in 2014, the links between the two Communities go back to the Fifties. In those days the exchanges were between Humphrey Perkins School and the School in Marans. Some of the youngsters who took part in those early exchanges still take part in exchanges today.

The exchanges between the Schools which continued until the late 1970s unfortunately no longer take place but the Twinning Association continues to arrange biannual visits and many enduring friendships between families in the two communities have been established.

We have a varied social calendar which includes Garden Parties, Quiz Nights, Pie Nights, Talks, Theatre Visits, dances and much more. Members and their guests are always welcome to our events which are well publicised both in the local press and around the Village.

We are always happy to welcome new members or simply to offer advice about holiday opportunities in the area. If you are interested in joining or would simply like to know more about the Twinning Association, please contact Helen Duxbury 01509 552867

The Association will host an exchange to Barrow of the Marans Twinning friends in June 2025.


The small team of BUSCA website administrators works hard to keep Barrow's five community websites up-to-date and jammed full of useful info. That's the BUSCA, Village, Barrow Voice, Library and Heritage websites. You can pick up a flyer which gives you more information from lots of places in Barrow. The flyer goes hand in hand with a Welcome Pack for new residents. Ask in the library for your Pack.

Contact admin@busca.org.uk  if you would like to request your own business page or community group page on the Village website.

The Village website also offers an information service - just use the Contact Us button.


As you can see, there is (usually) a lot going on.  We value the continued support of our members.

For details of all forthcoming events, visit the Forthcoming Events page.

Almost all of these events were announced and reported in Barrow Voice, our splendid quarterly community magazine.

So you can see that there is plenty of variety in what BUSCA does. If you would like to join us, contact the Secretary via info@busca.org.uk or give the secretary a phone call on 07934 660426 or click on SUPPORT US and follow the links. THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW GOING ON.

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